Auction Item Details

Lot 206

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Lot 206

Description: Lot of (5) vintage oversize baseball trophies (PR/FR-EX). Includes 18.5" 1929 trophy presented to Palumbo Markets for winning the Municipal Baseball Association Class B championship of the Monroe League (GD); c.1920s-30s 19" tall unlabeled baseball trophy (VG/EX); 19.5" tall 1941 Central League City Champs trophy presented to Cafaro's Ritz Bar (PR/FR-FR heavy wear); 19.5" tall 1950 SPAA Tourney Champs trophy presented to St. Peter's of Stevens Point, Wisconsin (VG/EX); and 19.5" tall 1953 C.H.Y. Ass'n LL Baseball Champions trophy presented to Doctor and Mas Ralph Ednnace Foot Poise Shoe Salon (VG/EX-EX).
This internet auction will close to initial bids at 10pm E.S.T on March 19, 2025. Bids may be placed at any time up until the closing and bidding will extend past 10pm E.S.T. on March 19 for 20 minute intervals per lot for each bid placed on a given lot.

Current Bid:  $ 110.00
Next Minimum Bid:  $ 121.00

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Current EST: 03/15/25 12:27:25 AM