Auction Item Details

Lot 1005

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Lot 1005

Description: Lot of assorted Penn State signed and unsigned items (EX-NM) Includes Wilson 1001 football signed by Joe Paterno in blue ink, PSU mini helemt signed by James Franklin in blue ink 1987 National Championship Fiesta Bowl program with ticket stub from game, (2) 1982 PSU Hockey programs, (2) 1983 PSU Hockey programs, 1989 PSU football vs WVU program, 1979 PSU football vs Army program, 1983 PSU football vs Notre Dame program, 1983 PSU vs Nebraska program, 1994 PSU vs NorthWestern program, (2) 1986 PSU vs Oklahoma program, 2001 PSU vs OSU program, Sports Illustrated man of the year full Coke bottle Joe Paterno 1986, (2) PSU 1982 National Champions coke bottle (1) full (1) opened nothing left, 19.5x23.5 framed display piece of the football team coming onto the field with a facsimile signature of Joe Paterno, numerous PSU pins among other items. Signatures rate 9 to 10 out of 10: EX-NM
This item closed at 08/11/2021 at 10:20 pm. No more bids are being accepted on this item.

Final Bid: $177.00

Current EST: 03/09/25 11:20:25 PM