Auction Item Details

Lot 350

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Lot Number: 350

Description: Lot of (14) 1909-11 T206 Southern Leaguers. Piedmont backs unless noted. Varying degrees/types of wear throughout and those noted as PR having paper/residue on back. Includes Bernhard (FR), Coles (Old Mill) (FR), Cranston (Old Mill) (FR/GD-GD), Ellam (PR), Hart (FR/GD-GD), Kiernan (Old Mill) (FR/GD-GD), Lentz (FR), Manion (PR), Molesworth (FR/GD-GD), Orth (PR), Rockenfeld (FR/GD), S.Smith (Old Mill) (FR), Thebo (GD), and Violat (PR): PR-GD

Estimated Price Range: ($300-$500)

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